Journey to Capiz

There are three goals I wanted to accomplish before I become wrinkled and bedridden.

First is to have a stable job with a more than average income. Second is to have a family of three kids, two boys and one girl. And third is to perhaps travel across the seven continents, and yes, that would include Antarctica. To travel seem to bring the best out of life; a little shopping in Paris, a cup of coffee along the sidewalks of Portugal, several minutes of street dancing in Cuba, some petals of cherry blossoms from Japan, or a photograph with a kangaroo from down under.

Yet, my parents told me that there are still more sites to be seen without the expense of an international flight. They were right. There are hundreds of places just under our noses, within the island of Panay that are worth visiting before we break our piggy banks to spend some three days in Disneyland.

Last week, my family went on a two-day road trip to the province of Capiz. We wanted to visit my maternal grandfather whom I last met in nine years and along the way witness the less noticed but tourism-worthy attractions. Boarding our L300 van, I waved goodbye to the busy streets of Iloilo City and got my camera phone ready for some amazing shots along the way. Our first stop was an inland resort in Pototan called Mel Rose Resort, there I saw a pair of amazingly huge jackfruits that were good enough to eat. It’s quite unique since it’s far from the usual beach front resorts we have along Villa and Oton. They have a hiking trail, two small pools and nipa cottages. Most of the visitors are from rural towns who came in tricycles and even carabao-driven sleds. What struck me most was the sight of more than thirty people enjoying themselves in two small pools barely four feet deep. Though they can’t flutter freely, a simple rare dip in a swimming pool with their families can beat the experience inside the Olympic natatorium in Beijing.

The clouds were getting dimmer, my ten year-old cousin, Ken told me they were called Nimbostratus rain clouds. Yet, our hopes were still sunny side up. The light drizzle didn’t hinder us from visiting the Mariit Wildlife Reserve of West Visayas State University in Brgy. Jayubo, Lambunao. We had a little trouble finding the place; it so happen that a lady selling lumpia lived near the reserve, so she took a hitchhike with us. I could not imagine how far she travels everyday from home hoping to sell all her lumpia to feed her family. People in that area lived simpler but harder. There were children walking with their bare feet along the mud-stricken road. A man was carrying a sack of charcoal that was probably from uphill, and mind you, it was a long way down. Funny, how I clamor often about less maintained roads in the city. The wildlife reserve was worth the 14 kilometer bumpy and rocky ride from the highway. We were guided by Mr. John Rey Callado who told us about the amazing yet endangered species of fauna in the island of Panay. There were hornbills, owls, deer, and a pair of unfortunately sterile wild hog couple which according to John were the one of the most endangered species of swine in the world. And here we are, all afraid of getting swine flu. I guess it’s just simply nature’s way of reminding that she can get back at us for leaving her simply ignored and exploited.

It was either my sun dance wasn’t quite effective or simply bad luck that got us driving through a rough storm of fierce rain drops and heart-thumping thunder. But still, though a little nervous, our smiles were up. Kamelle, my five year old cousin, just kept on praying to Bro (Jesus according to Santino) for a great weather when we reach the sandy shores of Baybay Capiz. Jesus does listen to the cuter ones. It was an amazing sight, the entire atmosphere before Roxas City was hopelessly dim, but as we entered the city a bright blue sky welcomed us and our two sachets of sun block lotions. The sea was calm and though my brother Ramon splashed sand in my eyes which wrought havoc amongst us, we altogether had a relaxing salty dip at the beach. Roxas City has one of the best beaches in the island, with a great bay-walk to stroll around after munching on their seafood delicacies.

The next day was as adventuresome with lesser rain. We drove to my grandfather’s house at Bolo, Capiz and saw his amazing carvings of religious images. Too bad those creative genes weren’t passed unto me. Family togetherness is one spot that is omnipresent all over the island. But, since it was just a two day road trip, we ought to turn back and return to Iloilo. Yet along the way we stopped over three more spots. The Pan-ay Church in Pan-ay, Capiz which had the biggest bell in Asia, though we only got to take a photo with the replica since the original one was on the bell tower, and the man in charge was still out for lunch. Well, there’s simply more than Dinagyang or Boracay that Panay can offer. Here we have a seven-foot diameter and 10,400 kilogram working church bell. The Carmelite Missionaries Center of Life Retreat and Training Center at Brgy. Tinocuan, DueƱas, Iloilo which simply had a breath-taking view of mountains and cheerful sisters. It is a place for retreat and get together, a place for meditation and family bonding. With the busy world that each of us lives in, where each of us aspires to be financially stable, we tend to forget about emotional and spiritual stability. I guess the amazing sunrise at this retreat house can remind us that there is a God, there is Bro, who has given us the beautiful mountains and wide vast plains, who has given us the very life that we have. The Dingle Dam at Brgy. Moroboro, Dingle, Iloilo was our last spot. The keenness and practicality of man to make use of stored water for agricultural irrigation is simply admirable and the view is breath-taking.

We went home with stinky damp clothes, a few plastic bags of seashells and lots and lots of photos. It was nice getting to see my Lolo Pat again after nine years. I have only traveled barely half of the Panay island. Come to think of it there are 7,106 (low tide) islands more to go in our archipelago.

My life goal number three will always remain as is. I still want to climb huge blocks of ice in Antarctica. But for now, traveling around my province, my region, my country still bring the best out of life; an early morning jog in our beach shores, a hike in our amazing mountain trails, some photos from historical landmarks, and once in a while a ride in an L300 van with my family.

Disneyland can wait.

Explore what’s near.

No Charge

For my column today, permit me to share a touching short story about a mother revealing her relentless love to her son.

My little boy came into the kitchen this evening while I was fixing supper. He handed me a piece of paper he’d been writing on. After wiping my hands on my apron, I read it, and this is what it said:

For mowing the grass, $5

For making my own bed this week, $1

For going to the store, $0.50

For playing with baby brother while you went shopping, $0.25

For taking out the trash, $1

For getting a good report card, $5

And for raking the yard, $2

Well, I looked at him standing there expectantly, and a thousand memories flashed through my mind. So I picked up the paper, and turning it over, this is what I wrote.

For the nine months I carried you, growing inside me, No charge.

For the nights I sat up with you, doctored you, prayed for you, No charge.

For the time and the tears and the cost through the years, No charge.

For the nights filled with dread, and the worries ahead, No charge.

For advice and the knowledge, and the cost of your college, No charge.

For the toys, food and clothes, and for wiping your nose, No charge.

Son, when you add it all up, the full cost of my love is No charge.

Well, when he finished reading, he had great big tears in his eyes. He looked up at me and he said, “Mama I sure do love you.” Then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote, PAID IN FULL. (Christmas CrossTalk Songs and Stories, Joel Eslabra)

Yes, no one in this world can replace the role of a mother.

No profession can equal the amount of nobility your mama offers considering she always works overtime without compensation. Once she had timed in into motherhood, her tasks are endless. No wealth in this world can pay the cost of a mother’s love. Even every mine of gold and diamonds and all the bank accounts combined could not equal the very life your nanay has risked. But, most often we, her kids, tend to ignore her importance. We’d rather go to the movies with our friends than spend some few hours watching foreign novellas with her while eating Indian mango soaked in soy sauce. We’d rather choose to break her heart with our stubborn words because she becomes too nagging again than extend our patience more and accept our mistakes without talking back.

I am one lucky daughter. Amidst all those nights that I kept my nanay up until 3:00 in the morning while studying for my exams simply to be with me and cook noodles when I get hungry, I never heard a word of regret, a phrase of complaint from her. But, I am one ungrateful daughter. It was foolish of me to make her wait when she wanted a back massage since I was watching a good show aired on the television. It was dumb of me to constantly ask her to pass over some load for my cellphone, which she immediately does, considering there are times I would deny her some moments of hugs, kisses and words of thanks just because of teenage angst.

I do not know what your mother is like, whether you call her mama, nanay or mommy, how she puts you to sleep or how she reprimands your stupid decisions. But what I do know is, like my nanay, she would do everything, and I mean everything from fighting over labor pains when she was pregnant to strangling your pre-school teacher after she saw a bruise on your arm that resembled a ruler. My nanay told me one time that if she could have all the powers in the world, she would make me and my brother perfect and that would make her extremely happy. Now, tell me who has a love that unconditional and selfless? She deserves more than our thanks yous, roses, hugs, kisses and mushy column articles. But, you know what? She is more than contented of these petty and simple acts of repayment.

Like the little boy, most of us would compete with our mother’s worth. With a simple wash of dirty dishes or a quick sweep of the sala, we then think that we have done her role. But, actually we should do these simple acts as an attempt to make her happy and feel that her every day love and concern is appreciated. Each of us have the best mom in the world and even if we can’t be the best sons or daughters, she doesn’t care, she still loves even the worst of us. I guess in some way, the best mom rightfully deserves the best treatment. Kiss her with your best kiss. Hug her with your best hug. Do your best to love her everyday.

Her love costs more than all the wealth you’ll see in your life time.

But her love remains free of charge.

Sa pinalanga ko nga Nanay, I love you and you’re the best!

Belated Happy Mother’s Day.