Diary of an Unfortunate Fetus (October 9,2007)

Diary of an Unfortunate Fetus
By: Maria Reylan M. Garcia

I happen to come across reading a diary of a fetus, yes you are not hallucinating, a diary of a fetus. Although this isn’t exactly written by the fetus, otherwise that miniscule creature would be even more popular than Albert Einstein; the diary is a manifestation of how a baby would have wrote it if he only could. That was a diary of an aborted fetus. That helpless little creature was a victim of this loathsome act, an innocent victim of a merciless murder. The first few entries to his diary was touching and uplifting. I couldn’t forget how the baby described how his first gentle touch would feel like, he’s dreaming to feel his mother’s warm caress. He even saw himself gradually forming to an actual human being, abounding in dreams and visions the sweet experience called life has to offer. But his tiny and fragile dreams were shattered with an irresponsible decision made by the people he wishes to have called his family.

Abortion is simply killing a weak and feeble creature; this act uses the helplessness of a little child to cover up for a frivolity committed. In my own opinion, it is worse than murder. What has the child got to do with a grave mistake? The irresponsible would-be parent, in my own perception, is the one who even owes much to the baby. The child supposedly would have grown with an immoral history of deception, being born illegitimate and unwanted, and to not let him grow by ending his very existence will smash the brittle integrity he never even knew.

“I could just imagine myself inside a warm womb, the resounding unfamiliar sounds echoes in my delicate ears, if I could just only come out and hear more closely. I could just imagine myself seeing nothing but a dim chamber, if I could just only come out and see what’s outside. I could just imagine the silent woman bearing me, I think she is my mother, if I could only come out and meet her.” This I presume will be the words that juvenile infant will be muttering if given the chance to do so. You may think that I went berserk, but I can hear the painful yet tender, the unaided yet frail cries.

We come across discussing this topic in our Sociology Class. I remember my professor asking us, knowing that we’ll be future nurses soon, who will eventually follow the bandwagon occurrence of going abroad, and the country to which we’re employed permits abortion, will our conscience not bother us if we were to assist the abortion process? I was raised in a morally oriented family and brought up in a Catholic school, I may be biased but it is against my principle to kill, especially someone who’s defenseless. Why would you work in that country in the first place if your conscience couldn’t take the gravity of such crime? My professor added, what if they’d offer you multiple times more your average salary just to assist in such process? I still remained and will forever be glued on to my stand. I’d rather be contented to a mediocre’s salary than risk my moral principle and integrity. I am not a murderer.

Our country is primarily a Christian dominated one; a lot of doctrines taught by this religion negates and refuses to accept the legitimate reason for abortion. Even our Muslim countrymen strongly believe in the same course of stand. But we can’t deny there are still some others whose conscience doesn’t bug them at all, they’d rather seek for prestige and honor than preserve their morale and integrity. I don’t deem to campaign for a lot of causes, but somehow I pity the little voices I continue to hear crying in extreme longing for a life they deserve to have.

This is but a little reminder, if a friend of yours would be left with no recourse but to abort her “burden” remember the moment you don’t stop her, you just denied your moral responsibility and let alone an innocent creature die in his would-be mother’s hands.

Young unmarried pregnant women would usually say, “I have to abort this child or else my future is ruined” or “I don’t want this child, I never wished to have one, so I have to abort it”. Well, pardon me, you don’t have enough grounds to do so, your own rationale doesn’t give you the power to control the life of others including the one you’re carrying.

I dream to be a nurse. Not only a mere nurse who’ll accept any function a health institution will bombard me, but a nurse with principles and moral values.

In the right time, I wanted to have a family, some kids that will call me Nanay. I will save them from a fate those unfortunate young angels had, I will not abort them. I wanted my future children to feel my warming touch, to see my joyful eyes, to hear my caring voice, to live as I had.

Let’s not waste the future of a little one, in his tiny hands the succeeding generations shall rise and will go on.

Let that baby finish his diary.
He has a lot to say.

Stop Abortion.