How 'I Love You' becomes complicated (January 14, 2008)

How ‘I Love You’ becomes complicated
By: Maria Reylan M. Garcia

What if one day someone told you; “Alas, my sagacity has comprehended the convolution of the physiological progressions relentlessly functioning medial to the membranes of my pericardial cavities. Indeed, the continual projection of acetylcholine escalating the throbbing of my cardiac muscles has been an observable phenomenon that has persistently dwelled upon my cranial region seemingly encroaching the hemispheres of my intellect.” Could you hang on for a minute, blood’s rushing out of my nose. Seriously, what he simply want to say is, I love you. If someone would propose to me blubbering those apparently nose-bleeding words, I’d rather grow old unwed. I have nothing against the use words that will force you to buy the latest dictionaries, I know a lot of people who are so fond of using them, even I myself am guilty of muttering some words alien to the average society. But, to recite a thesis report during the night you’ll be waiting for her sweet yes and I do, I say forget it.

Making simple things complicated, here’s a talent almost all of us had practiced to perfection. Situations that can be solve with a frank yet peaceful conversation usually leads to a legal yet chaotic session in the courtroom. A few weeks ago, nothing but private owned vehicles roamed the streets of Iloilo city and province. The two-day transport strike painted the overwhelming smiles on the faces of students who had been spared from the hassle of waking up early. Yet, sketched the distress on the weary faces of some families who for two days will have to tighten their belts because their father joined the cry of his fellow drivers. The roads were paralyzed for a single reason, to ask for a roll back on the price of gasoline.

If only I took up a major in Economics then I’d be able to react more vividly. Yet, with my frail understanding, I see this to be quite simple and making it complicated would get us nowhere. I don’t consider this a petty matter but, some case simple enough to have some doable alternatives rather than paralyzing both the streets, as well as the lives of commuters. As I understand we don’t have much control on the regulation of oil prices or anything that we import to our country, so sacrificing two days of not routing the streets for a seemingly hopeless objective would soon turned out to be, unfortunately, immobile. We tend to complicate instances that could actually be done in a simple way, avoiding the negative blobs to both yourself and the larger group.

Let the simple things remain simple. Look at the traffic flow in the highways of Iloilo, for such a small and barely urbanized locality, the commotion is darker than the filthy soot. I see a lot of public utility jeepneys paying no attention to road signs, loading in places that are prone to slow traffic. Every one wants to get some meters ahead, overtaking three consecutive cars in a row, worse, in a rascal manner. Both sprinkle the sundae of a sluggish-decongesting vehicle flow. Let’s pretend I’m some guy those PUJ’s follow and eventually made them obey those simple traffic rules what would become of them? A driver’s six roundtrips for his whole day may be raised to some nine or ten roundtrips, adding up to his minimum profit. An increase in profit to equalize the steady increase of gasoline purchase won’t be a bad thing right? Simple problems have simple solutions. Although, it may not be a solution but it’s a start, compared to wasting away in the deserted roads a two-day’s profit.

A lot of articles other than mine may provide the best of the best theoretical solutions and mature viewpoints. I can’t argue, since I can’t give what I don’t have. Yet, I think more people would appreciate and to the extent, understand a simple I love you rather than a cluster of utterances clogged in an abandoned lexicon that only scribes of astonishing mental power have convened to employ and utilize in the daily existence of a struggling homo sapien sapien.

When you talk about stuff that is beyond the tangible reality, you’ll appear delusional and psychotic nowadays. Try murmuring simple, practical and lay terminologies; you’ll be surprise that the average Juan de la Cruz will appreciate you more. As everyone had concluded, the world is complicated, why make it more complicated? Remember, priceless pieces of jewelry that’ll rip off millionaire’s pockets, are stored inside simple and small boxes. Great things show up for simple yet real and feasible strivings.

The next time someone asks you if saying “I love you” could get anymore complicated, you know the drill.

And thus, my phalangeal region owe much gratitude to the invariable function of contractile proteins following such unvarying typing that—who am I kidding? In non-nosebleed terms I mean, my fingers are tired of typing.

Keep it simple.