Michelle's Wallet (May 13,2008)

Michelle's Wallet
By: Maria Reylan M. Garcia

Michelle woke up late one morning; she was rather cranky and pissed as
it takes time for her to get ready for school. With her hair undone
and all over the place, she went to the kitchen and found her mother
cooking up breakfast.
Michelle was so irritated that her mother forgot
to wake her up, teenage angst rose and she couldn't hold her tongue.
Michelle threw some harsh words blaming the fault to her mother why
she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Her mother kept silent and
watched her took off to school without eating breakfast and banged the
door shut as she went out. While riding on the jeep, Michelle unzipped
her bag and searched for her wallet, she dug in every pocket of her
back pack but couldn't find it. Luckily a fellow schoolmate was riding
the same jeep and saved her the trouble of paying for the fare.
Michelle knew she left her wallet at home. She finally arrived at
school, not a second too late thankfully. But before she entered the
campus, she saw a woman standing on the other side of the street. The
woman looked exhausted as if grasping for breath, she was in a
housedress looking ragged and sweaty. The woman caught sight of
Michelle, let out a charming smile, and raised her hand holding a tiny
wallet. Michelle stared at her; she didn't notice the tears starting
to drip. The school bell rang, Michelle doesn't care and she was
hugging her mother tightly.

Michelle shared this story when we were in first year high school; I
wept a bucketful that day and realized how important it is to
celebrate a mother's love. Sometimes, human as we are, our emotions
get the better of us, we temporarily forget those nine long months of
discomfort, several hours of painful labor and the decades of endless
patience she had offered. A mother's love is difficult to understand,
unless you become a mother yourself. Very early in the morning she
wakes up and starts to multifunction, doing mountains of laundry,
cooking a hearty breakfast and preparing our stuff for school all at
the same time, the most amazing part is, she does this every single
day with minimum regressions. Very late in the evening she is still
wide awake, ironing our school uniform for tomorrow, checking our
homework for some corrections and making sure we are all tucked in bed
before she sleeps, the most amazing part is, she does this every
single night with a calm smile on her face.

Imperfections, everybody has them even our dear mothers. Often times,

we think they can do almost anything that when they fail us, their
single fault blinds us from the millions of good night kisses, neatly
polished school shoes, and cute orange jumpers they have given us.
When we feel feverish and scared at night, and seems like our trusty
blanket had betrayed us, it goes out automatically crying out their
names; nanay, mama, mom, please come here. If you have your mom beside
you, be grateful, because every time you failed an exam, missed the
winning shot in a basketball game or broke up with your boyfriend,
she's just right there, her simple hug and gentle words will dry those
tears. A lot of times we take her for granted, and forget about her
when we're having fun, when we're at the top of our game, Shame on us.
But still, she understands, she forgives.

When my mother and I go shopping, every time we would stop for a
pretty blouse her size, she would just look at it for a while then
tell me she'll buy herself one next time, we end up buying all the
clothes I like. She always says that she's already happy if she could
purchase a complete set of groceries, but the point is she doesn't
even enjoy half of what she bought. There are instances I would feel
bad and guilty, but I couldn't do much right now, nor even when I
become a professional someday, I couldn't do much to repay her. But,
somehow when I become a mother I'll show my children the same love my
own mother had shown me. This mother's day and everyday while she's
here, remember to show her your love.

When you come home today don't forget to greet her and offer her a
kiss. If you could spend hours laughing and having a good time with
your peers, why not your mother, who continues to be with you even if
every friend you have deserted you. If your mother's abroad, spare
some change and call her. If you could spend twenty pesos on the
internet chatting with someone you barely know, why not your mother,
who works over time and extends hours just to put bread on the table.
When you both started the day with a disagreement, come home with a
sorry face and apologize. If my friend Michelle did why couldn't you?

She may at times be imperfect.
But her love never fails us.

Happy Mothers Day!