What's Genius? (June 3,2008)

What's Genius?
By: Maria Reylan M. Garcia

Above Average. I looked at the results once more, hoping I had
mistaken, yet the words remained as they were. Above Average. My
twelve year old self let out a sigh of childish frustration, I had
expected more. Above Average. I kept on telling myself to get a grip,
my I.Q can't go higher even if I cry my lungs out. I had always wanted
to be called a Genius, but since my intelligence quotient refuses to
agree, I withdrew my hopes and started to face the reality that I may
never become one. It should have turned out to be a lifetime defeat
until I met a kid named Amadeus. He was six years old and had already
composed five piano pieces that are contemporarily known by the world
today. He was called a genius. I would have given up hope on my dreams
until I met a humble doctor named Jose. He was exceptionally fluent in
more than twenty languages and wrote several revolutionary pieces that
freed a nation. He was called a genius. I never thought it could be
possible until I met an emo dude named Edgar. He was a lonely orphan
and yet had created a shipload of possibilities to American
Literature. He was called a Genius.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jose Rizal and Edgar Allan Poe were called
geniuses of their fields. You might be surprised to know that the
intelligence tests apparently were first taken in 1905; by then the
three of them are peacefully six feet under. They were immortalized by
people calling them genius and yet none of them took the same test
that I did. Genius is generally conceived to be a state of excellence,
that whenever a brilliant mind is proclaimed as one, the person
becomes all that there is and the rest who failed in the same endeavor
seems to lose the right and the opportunity to be called so. The world
appears to insist that the title of genius is limited to those
exceptional ones who were destined to be. I beg for pardon, but an
above average ranker thinks otherwise. Every one of us can bear
proudly that title, we just need to find the area we are genius at.

People nowadays would presume that when one is called a genius the
person is the ultimate symbol of utmost perfection. That notion can't
be helped; we live in a very competitive world where every one wants
to get ahead of another. Thus, being crowned as Genius is such a huge
accomplishment that would construct a gap between the so called second
best. But, the word genius in itself doesn't only mean superiority,
surprisingly it also means distinctiveness, being unique, being one of
a kind. I don't consider Edgar Allan Poe as the best writer that had
ever lived, I strongly believe no one could ever be the best writer if
there would be such that writer would be the absolute definition of
perfection, but no one is perfect. Yet, I considered Edgar Allan Poe
as a genius not because he was the best but because he had been
distinct. He started to show the world that, gross and morbid themes
such as death and murder can be beautifully written into contemporary
literature masterpieces. That brave step, that distinct step of making
a taboo welcome to many people is in itself a genius act.

I believe that genius is something we all are capable of, we just need
to look for that distinct mark we can leave the world. Sure,
intelligence tests could tell who may have the most promising future
in the different areas, may it be in logic, music, athletics or
interpersonal connections. These intelligence tests could more or less
accurately identify the genius from the average but, this is not the
only measurement of being one. And even if one will be proclaimed as
genius, it would not be an assurance that he'll forever be the world's
best artist or the person with the most languages spoken. I used to
dream of becoming a writer as great as Shakespeare or the many superb
columnists of today, and now I still continue to dream of being one.
But, I have to find that style of writing, the words of power and
inspiration that would make me distinct from those whom I admire, so
then that I can be as great as them. So, I can also be called a

I had three schoolmates who made it to the Superior rank in the IQ
test, just a rank away from Genius. I kept on wishing I was in their
shoes or even greater, but at that point I still haven't got a clue of
the real meaning of genius. At that point I still haven't known my
newly found friends Amadeus, Jose and Edgar. My IQ tests results were
five years ago, I may have to take another one to make sure, and even
if I end up being with the same rank it's okay.

We can be geniuses in our own distinct fields.
Go find your genius.