Friends and Blueberry Cheesecakes (March 11,2008)

Friends and Blueberry Cheesecakes
By: Maria Reylan M. Garcia

Friends, I once thought those were the posh people in slumber parties, painting each others' nails with bright neon pink glitter polish while gossiping about the latest breakup of yet another hot couple in school. Friends, I once thought they were those endurance artists who could spend an awfully long time, minimum of two babbling hours, with the telephone stuck to their ears. Friends, I once thought they were choir members in a symphony of rhythmic and successive giggles and shrieks after finding out the cutest guy in campus is currently single and looking. Friends, I once thought I had some. Turns out they were just posh gossiping, shrieking and giggling telephone maniacs with bright neon pink glitter polished nails.

Friendship, long ago I thought it was only limited to an experience of gift giving every birthdays, Christmases, Valentines and days before final examinations.
Friendship, once upon a time I thought it was only limited to group studying and copying off each other when the teacher doesn't mind. Friendship, once I thought it was only limited to offering each other handkerchiefs when our eyes starts to leak and hiccups begin to sound. Friendship, some time ago, I thought I had one. Turns out it was just an experience of gifts, cramming, tears and hiccups.

I thought I was doomed to a life without friends, a life without knowing what friendship feels like. But, some wacky, weird, unusual and bizarre creatures came barging at my doorstep calling me to open up to an amazing adventure. We call each other names different to the decent ones our parents gave. We eat on one chocolate fudge sundae and with one plastic spoon passing one kind of salivary amylase to the next. We never knew that one day our strange way of interaction will soon flourish to the most beautiful experience of friendship.

Less than a year, that was how long a friendship of people coming from different walks of life came to be. A fusion of diverse personalities resulted to the most united group and strong camaraderie I so far have witnessed. A few weeks back I celebrated my seventeenth year and decided to share a well-blessed year with my so called friends. We had a sleepover and quite ironically barely got some sleep. We didn't do each other's nails, nor giggled about frustrated love stories. In my farmland of a home, we raced around the vast plains of rugged mini hills and carabao dung, played some games along the broken multi-colored tiled flooring of our garage, trailed across a twenty feet high under-construction bamboo bridge and wished for a higher score than forty-five after singing our lungs out in videoke.

I would like to define friendship basing on the evening of the sleepover. Friendship is when you all ride at the back of a pick up wearing pajamas, shivering in the icy breeze of 11: 00 p.m., getting weird stares from sidewalk people, and driving towards a classy hotel just to pick up a friend attending a social function to join you in the sleepover. I would like to define friends basing on the morning of my birthday. Friends are people whom after you have smelled their unbearable farting and disgusting morning breath continues to hug them with much gusto and sincerity. Those wacky, weird, unusual, and bizarre creatures were my friends, are my friends and will be forever my friends.

They are my friends. They wait for me every time I struggle zippering my bag close before moving on to the next class, they won't care if they'll be late for a few minutes, as long as we're all walking together. They respond to my every text message and sweet enough to add on a smiley after each sentence, they won't care spending a peso, as long as they're replying to my message, even if we are of different networks. They pat me on the back for every accomplishment I gain and cry with me for every failure I stumbled upon. They share their blueberry cheesecakes with me, knowing it's the pastry I'd die for, and knowing it's the same pastry they too would die for.

They have different personalities. One is chubby, quite clumsy but admirable. The other is slim, hilarious and loves to declaim. One is obsessed with the color purple, the other is crazy for acetic acid. Yes, we are weird and all the possible synonyms you could think of. But we are indeed friends. Perhaps, the best one I'll ever have.

They say tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.
I say, do so anytime.

I'll miss you BSN 1B.