Truth is out of fashion (February 26,2008)

Truth is out of fashion
By: Maria Reylan M. Garcia

Imagine a middle aged man leisurely walking along the sidewalks. His brisk smile would have been so contagious if it weren’t for the outfit he wore. A fashion statement of boogie-ready slick and shiny silver pants, a pair of neon red boots, a fit long sleeved polka dot-sequenced shirt and dare not to miss the striking bushy afro. Now, how could he not bring out attention? Anything that is simply out of fashion, deviant to trend and alien to what is in becomes an eye-catcher to society, a rare sight that can gather up attention. I refuse to wear my bohemian skirts nowadays; fashion magazines informed me that it’s skinny jeans that rule the catwalk. I don’t want any attention; I don’t want to be a center of ridicule and criticism, so I chose to hide my bohemian skirts inside old carton boxes and let the termites do their part.

Is truth starting to grow out of fashion? I wonder how a straightforward revelation from a man, who fancies wearing tee shirts in television interviews, shocked an entire nation. Is truth starting to deviate from the trend? I wonder how a clear-cut statement from a man, who cries occasionally when pressured, trembled a police general, some cabinet secretaries and a former chairman. Is truth starting to alienate to what is in? I wonder how a forthright testimonial from a man, who reputed spending some two hundred thousand pesos of shopping spree, let the tiny she-leader hold on to her throne tighter. Truth appears to be a rare occurrence that every sound of it collects attention and the truth teller is placed on the hot and boiling seat.

A freshman college student, such as myself, has no legal grounds of categorizing truth from falsity. I don’t want to add to the sea of opinions of wiser adults regarding yet another political anomaly. I’m more concerned of imparting my views on how credible the ZTE star witness is. Mr. Jun Lozada was a successful engineer with a well-blessed family, having a prominent position in society and a more-than-stable income, and living in a well-like home. Now, Mr. Jun Lozada is a man filled with tension and anxiety with no job, having a prominent position death lists and thankful for the sanctuary fund provided by the concerned religious, and living in a tiny safe house. Who in his right mind would sacrifice all of the bounties of life, if what comes out from his mouth is not truth? Anytime he could be shot dead, anytime his children may be held as hostages, his life is highlighted with uncertainty but he chose to speak the truth.

He admitted that he never wanted to be investigated by the senate for he couldn’t help but to speak for the truth. He mentioned names of people he called friends, aware that they may never speak to him again. He was seen as a traitor to some people who relied in his silence that could break a much bigger scandal to be known. I don’t have any other reason why he risked his life into this mess except that it’s the truth he’s telling the public. Mr. Jun Lozada is not my hero. But he is that someone who urges me to smile everyday, considering that there are still some people affected by their consciences. Mr. Jun Lozada admitted his own mistakes, and never dared to be self righteous, just the behavior enough to make a freshman college student believe of his credibility. He may not be a hero, but he is a father his children will soon be proud of.

Most of the people opposing Mr. Lozada are talking about burger recipes and club payments just to protect their own image and reputation. Please shed just a little shame to yourselves. The guy gradually loses all that he honestly worked for, although he may be retaining one thing that none of the other liars would, self respect. The answers of Mr. Lozada had been amazingly consistent, giving the public all the reason to trust his credibility. Even how much the panel of interrogating senators would circle round and round the story it will always be a playback answer for the honest man.

To those smitten by the term liar, think about your children. I pray that your sons will not find out how his newly bought multi-functional toy robot was out of dirty money. I pray that your daughters will never discover how her newly bought stuffed toys came from the taxes of poverty-inflicted families. When being asked a direct question please responsd a direct answer, not some lousy replies about jargon protocols and SOPs you guys murmur to yourselves. I hope when your kids ask you why you became filthy rich you’ll not answer the same SOPs or international protocols. Spare their pure and honest minds.

Truth is like that middle aged man dreaming about the groove of the eighty’s. What truth is may be out of style, deviant of trend and alien to what is in to some opposing others. Truth may be the center of ridicule and criticism. But you know what? It’s okay. As long as it is the truth, I don’t care wearing my bohemian skirts once more.

Mr. Jun Lozada, I salute your bravery.
Thank you, for making Truth in fashion again.
Good Luck and God Bless You.