The Monster in Me (March 18,2008)

The Monster in Me
By: Maria Reylan M. Garcia

I stared at the sloppy looking monster in front of me. Those hideous droopy eyes that seemed to sulk deepest into its sockets made me wondered how such creature could withstand several days without sleep. Those lumping reddened pimples that scattered abundantly across its skin made me think how such creature could have forgotten the existence of a facial wash. I took a step closer towards the figure. The moist evening breath smelled of brewed caffeine and chocolate malt drink, while its untamed hair went all over the place bringing the comb and brush industry to a complete surrender. I glanced once more at the silly old reflection staring blankly at me, whispering what on earth I was doing. The few remaining minutes was a private dialogue between the mirror and my monster self, telling it how I came across slaving for two demanding masters called stress and pressure.

People believe the only ones who don't suffer the pains of these two impeccable forces, stress and pressure, are those who are six feet below the ground, feasting with decomposers. What is stress and what is pressure? Students with their exams, businessmen transacting market deals, policemen catching criminals, corrupt government officials practicing their false rationalizations; these make life in need for more stimulants and tonic drinks. Come to think of it, I could not imagine the world not being busy, hectic, disorganized, messy and terribly stressed and pressured. The use of traffic lights, digital organizers, alarm clocks, instant noodles and night lamps will all be rubbish if that happens.

This coming week would be our finals period, and it's all about exams, requirements, and anxiety. Somehow there came moments when I just want everything to stop and pause so I would remember to breathe and realize that I am still alive. Pressure fills you up to your brim and just wouldn't stop there as it continues to fill in until it overflows. Translation – Nervous breakdown. Stress steps on you until your pain receptors are stimulated and just wouldn't stop there as it continues to press on until it hurts and blood clots. Translation – Strangling yourself. But, without all of these, school, work and life would be insignificant. I would not feel the same comfort as I jump on my comfy bed after a tiring day at school if irritating unannounced exams didn't exist. I would not feel the same satisfaction as I see my grades shooting flying colors after a brain wrecking week of finals. I would not feel the same pleasure as I sniff off the aroma of hot chocolate drink if I cease to stay awake very late with a huge pile of reviewers to consume. Pressure and stress do break your bones and squash your brain, but gives you the chance to feel the pain. Translation – Balance.

Every one has their own deadlines to beat. But as my old friend leprechaun says, there's always a pot of gold after a rainbow. The nice thing about man's stressed and pressured life is the will to continue on amidst everything, the hope and the trust that everything will turn out okay in the end. Though still, a lot gives in and let such hectic fate take control. I may have such little treasures of experiences but I suppose it all relies on one's view of the situation. Optimism is not eccentricity. It is looking forward that after an hour and a half of a one hundred fifty item final exam, comes a summer time vacation of television, beach excursion, mango shakes and sleeping until one in the afternoon.

I look at the mirror for the nth time. Those droopy sulking eyes deserve some extended hours of sleep. Those reddened and lumping pimples deserve some pampering and treatment. Those two, stress and pressure need a vacation for themselves, as they will not be going extremely far. Surely, they will return, but for a while they'll take a time out and bother me occasionally. I guess getting irritated about a busy schedule would be normal, every one does.

Every body gets stressed out.

Besides, a diamond is just a coal made good under pressure.