Chocolate tastes like love (02/17/09)

Chocolate tastes like love
By: Maria Reylan M. Garcia

You know why chocolates are considered to be love drugs?

It is because they contain a substance called anandamide. Anandamide increases our heart rate which mimics the same hundred beats per second that takes place every time we would confess that we are in love. Thus, hopeful continue to flood the doorsteps of their sweethearts with boxes and boxes of dark sweet delights to ever remind them of that bone-tingling, spine-numbing and euphoric feeling. I happen to have eaten several tons of chocolate since birth, varying from milk to dark, peanut to almond core, and imported to local chocnuts. But,never have I had the same heart pounding and over the moon feeling for someone romantically; maybe just a couple of blushes on the cheek and weakening of the knees, but none at par with wedding bells and to die for relationships.

Yes, this Valentine's day I was single, and I'm guessing I will continue to be for quite a while.

Love like chocolates gives us an unexplainable feeling of content and longing, of security and thrill, of reality and fantasy, all occurring at the moment we take the first bite and the first kiss.

But is love confined to the definition of pleasure, elation and increased heart rate?

Almost three-fourths of my peers already have their special someone. They already have someone who'll carry their shoulder bags after fetching them from school. They already have someone to blame for not studying for tomorrow's long quiz because they were up all night texting love notes on unlimited service. They already have someone to show off and brag about; winning the game,who's got the hottest girlfriend?

But these definitions are all superficial. Treating your boyfriends and girlfriends as if they are like accessories and personal assistants isn't love.I admire those youth who hold relationships that are constructive.Those young couples who instead of rummaging the chances of good education, study together and inspiring each other to strive hard and make each of their parents proud and all the more agree to their relationship. Love is a gift intended to make a person and never to break him. It is like those profile skins on friendster or those gadgets on facebook that makes your page more beautiful and inviting.

Love brings out the best in a person. If what you are into doesn't, it only means it isn't love that's holding you two together.A lot of philosophers and experienced dating gurus have tried and failed to concretely define love, but none can grasp the immense totality of its meaning. But, here's a simple understanding of a soon to be 18 year old who have had only two dates during the entire course of her life. Love, for me, is when you have seen all the weaknesses and limitations of the other, but still you continue to be with that person. You don't know what's holding you back, since everything abou thim has already been tainted and unsatisfactory to you. This something that you don't know is love.I once thought that I have loved. I used to have an intense crush on a classmate back in elementary that went on until early first year college. Every time I would see his face, I get all tingly and kilig.Especially the part when I found out he also had a crush on me back in Grade 6.

But, it wasn't long before I found myself devastated of knowing he already has a girlfriend during 2nd year high school, and has been occasionally single but often times in a relationship sincethen. I still have a little bit of blushes for him, but this isn't strong enough to hold my loyalty. Then, I realized that it wasn't love. Those were just plain teenage hormones.I don't have any problems with youth who dates a hundred of guys or flings with multiple gals a day. It is all part of the process of knowing yourself and looking for that right one. My only thought is,don't be in a hurry to proclaim to the world that he'll or she'll be your very last. Because of this you become either abusive or obsessive of that person. Take time to know him better, know her faults further.It is in the darkness that you can see light. It is when she shares her darkest and vomit-worthy secrets that will let you decide whether you'll stay or be disgusted of her.

You know love isn't a right, so you can't force it out from anybody so you really need to earn it through taking time to know each other.Love doesn't wish the negative of the other. If he tries to abuse you or go over the limits, it isn't love. If he doesn't respect your chastity as a woman, if she treats you as a slave tending to her every whim, it isn't love. The moment that you still agree to stay with that person even if you're tainted and wasted, you may already be in love with him or her. But, then again, he or she might not feel the same way. Better think twice. Love is a social process, thus it needs to be reciprocal. We have the capacity to love and we have the need to beloved.

This Valentine's I have enjoyed eating some bars of chocolates all to myself while studying for a post test for next week, once in a while thinking how complicated love is.

Love creates something when all that's left is nothing.

Yes, I made that definition myself.

Many thanks to an anonymous sender who shared the same anti-cheating advocacy as I do.