Obama and Ina (02/03/09)

Obama and Ina
By: Maria Reylan M. Garcia

Yes, We can.

This campaign slogan has been too many times abused andclichéd. It dominated the newsstands in bold-written headlines andrevolutionized the definition of catchy titles for cover stories. Yet,it has also been the cry and the source of hope for the millions ofpeople around the world who deemed for change. Yes, We can. This isthe campaign slogan of the 44th President of the United States ofAmerica, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. The mere shadow of this Hawaii-bornlawyer can bring a beacon of optimism not only to his nation, but toeach individual who waited so long for change. Obama made the union ofskin color clearer as the first Black American President.

His powerfulspeeches satisfied the long lost dreams of society and boosted up thetiny spec of hope into a possible reality.I could not agree more with the majority. Obama is more than qualifiedto reside in the White House. He graduated law in the prestigiousHarvard Law School and even became the first black president of thepublication, Harvard Law Review that stirred up media and made himknown to the bigger crowd. I am inspired with his unmistakable honestywhen he confessed of his teenage drug experiences. I am certain hisseven years as a State legislator of Illinois and around three yearsas a U.S Senator would give him more than ample experience to run theland flowing of fast food chains.

But, his accomplishments, hisoverwhelming speeches, nor his envied height of 6'1 ½'' were not thereasons why my youthful spirit is at rest with him.There is but one underlying reason that compelled me to admirePresident Obama. He is a family man. For me, that reason is goodenough to put his country and my world's trust in his shoulders.President Obama and I have one thing in common; we're both hooked, notto drugs, but to the Harry Potter Series.

Yet, I liked him more whenMichelle, his wife, revealed that President Obama would spend time toread the series to his two daughters, Malia and Sasha, also fans ofthe series. For someone who has his daily schedule submerged inmeetings, conferences and ribbon-cutting ceremonies, he all the whileproved he was a better dad to his kids.I read in an online article that President Obama once had an unhealthyhabit, smoking. Although this fact wouldn't be a turn-off to millionsof his supporters, it could have been for me. But, not until I knewthat he stopped smoking on the advice of his wife.

I get giggles everytime I see Mr. and Mrs. Obama publicly displaying their fondness ofeach other, it seemed genuine. For someone who has been proclaimed asthe most superior and powerful leader of the world, he all the whileproved he was a better husband to his wife.He is a family man, and I know he's more than ready to lead and be thestrength of a larger family, his country and the world.

Just recently,I watched the Filipino novelty film, Ang Tanging Ina N'yong Lahat,starring Ai-Ai de las Alas. And yes, I laughed at the weirdestcombinations of proverbs and her impeccable obsession formulti-colored hair dyes. Filipinos really are suckers for corny jokesand odd humor. I was appalled that a governess can right there andthen be inaugurated as the president of the country. But Filipinosproduced the films with the best morals. Ina in the movie said,running a country is like running a family. I could not agree more. Aman's ultimate success is not completely measured in the million'sworth of bank accounts or high-ranking positions, but in the end itboils down with his relationship with his family.The country is made up of millions of families which share the sameamount of suffering, triumphs and hopes. It would be too soon forsomeone to lead a country while his kids are seeking for a father toput them to sleep while reading bedtime stories. It would be too soonfor someone to lead a country while his wife is yearning for a husbandto put up personal conversations with while spoiling each other withhugs and kisses.

There is a reason why the family is the basic unit ofsociety. I believe that one can't be a good president, unless he firstbecomes a good father and a good husband.

Barack Obama is a family man; a good father, a loving husband.

That's enough reason to place the world's trust in him.