A Better Philippines (April13-15,2007)

(This is my first article published in TNT dated April 13-15,2007)
A Better Philippines
by: Maria Reylan M. Garcia

What can I do for the Philippines? A simple question, that a simple 16 year old like me, would like every one of the 85 million Filipinos to think about. Someone told me that there isn’t any deed or action so small to be of help to the country. Someday a simple gesture of sensitivity and awareness could be a stepping stone for nation building. I may have less experiences and even inadequate knowledge compared to the outstanding people thriving in the top spots of the country. But fate brought me to have eyes that could see what’s ideal and not so ideal, fate brought me to have ears that could hear what’s pleasant from the nuisance, fate brought me to have a voice that could speak the truth amidst the injustice, and fate brought me to have a touch that could awaken the slumber of some people against the brokenness of my country.

What do I see? I see many drivers breaking simple traffic rules. I see many traffic enforcers not exercising responsibly their duties and authority. Yes, although these are just the every day sight of the Filipinos, but I still see that these are wrong. “Naghahanap buhay lang po kami” (We’re just doing this for livelihood), is the common excuse of many drivers. Supposing each and every driver would rely on this excuse, what would become of the traffic rules? Are they just insignificant norms that bear nothing for a locality’s day to day operations? No Unloading and Loading here. No Parking Here. No U turn here. Maybe Filipinos are not aware of the significance the word NO implies.
I’m not much of an economist or a keen observer of the Philippine Economy but the strict observance of traffic rules could go a long way for the uplifting of our economy. Just think, if traffic would be smooth sailing for every vehicle in a simple locality, many fields of livelihood and business will be on an advantage. Trucks of marketed fish, fruits and vegetables will arrive on time in markets, meaning a better profit on the part of the supplier and a clear opportunity on the side of the vendors. Office workers could arrive on time in their workplaces, no tardiness means better pay. Their salaries and profits will benefit their families and the families of their employees, thereby lessening the number of Filipinos who suffer from hunger and poverty.

I want to see a better Philippines. I want to see a Philippines where everybody gets a chance to eat thrice a day with enough food on their table, where everybody could smile with their families, where each employee loves his job and does his best to maintain it, where not a single Filipino laze around and lie in the side walk. I want to see flourishing businesses, I want to see a developing agriculture, I want to see simple traffic rules to be obeyed, where every motorist, jeepney driver or private pay importance to a not so insignificant No U-turn Sign.

What do I hear? I hear bad and morbid news all over the radio and television. I hear parliament of the streets reverberating in the sidewalks. I hear discouraging and indecent media terrorizing the minds of minors that lead them to premarital sex, drugs and violence. Sometimes it is nice to cover your ears and get on with life. Cover your ears as to not hear the shortcomings of plenty, as to not hear influence of bad media, as to not hear petty arguments of war freak people. Just do what you must do for yourself. Instead of rallying on the streets, why not stay home and see your children grow. Instead of persecuting others right there and then, why not look first in the mirror and see if you’re worthy enough to allege on someone. My parents told me if I keep on paying more attention to what others think and what others do before my own progress, I may never succeed. I had an experience where I found it so hard to seclude myself from the impressions of my classmates, where I would do all that I can to please them. But then, I forgot to please myself. It just goes that, how could you change, believe, share, fight, see the wrong and even love the many if you can’t do so with yourself first? For my fellow teenagers, would you waste your precious time on false pleasures that would bring you less joy that seeing your parents smile and proud as they pin your medals on your graduation day? Will a bottle of beer equal a scroll of diploma? Just do what you have to do. If every Filipinos does what he has to do, then I think there’s no need to rally for something, there’s no need to murder someone, there’s no need to steal for food, there’s no need to go astray if you’re doing good in the first place.

I want to hear a better Philippines. I want to hear 85 million Filipinos singing one song of pride and love. I want to hear the children’s sweet shouts as they freely roam in the field of safety and assurance. I want to hear a peaceful nation where religion and civil status doesn’t matter. I want to hear a Philippines free of gunshots and bombings. I want to hear Muslims and Christians praising their God freely and without discrimination. I want to hear a youth like me say “I have done it” instead of “What have I done?”

What should I say? The Philippines has hundreds of languages, has mixtures of races, has blends of customs, has stir of beliefs. But I should say it is not impossible to make a nation out of these. It is not impossible to combine them all. Though oil and water couldn’t settle together, they settle in different levels, at least they settle. Languages are thought to be a barrier for nation building, but no. If a nation has a common dream and sacrifice, everything will fall unto place. It matter on what for you speak, not on what you speak. If each Filipino would speak for their own good, even just for their families, then it’s like saying the whole country is speaking for itself. That’s why we should vote and appoint leaders who can speak for us, who could relay what most of us speak for. As I’ve said, it all matters on what you speak for. Speak Filipino. Speak as one.

I want to speak for the Philippines. I want each Filipino to speak for himself and his fellow Filipino. I want to speak for justice. I want to speak for truth. I want to speak for laughs, jokes and riddles. I want to speak for anything my sense bursts forth to.

What should I touch? Whom should I touch? Inner Circle first before the outer one. Touch the lives of your families and yourself before others. It is strength and good foundation if your inner base is strong and bombarded with values. I live in a family well oriented with values, my parents emphasized on three simple things. Love God, Don’t step on other else’s feet, and Strive to Gain. Simple principles of life that I think if each Filipino possesses, a better Philippines would be at hand. A simple touch for an old beggar, homeless and without family would brighten up his day. A simple touch for a sweet lover would tell him a forever filled with love and loyalty. A simple touch for a country will regain her strength and hope for the future.

I want to touch lives. I want to touch the Philippines. I want it to be tangible and be felt by many. I want each Filipino child to touch each other’s lives and be an instrument of good will to other nations and touching their lives as well. I want to touch a carefree and happy Filipinos face and see him touch mine in response as well.

It all starts with seeing, hearing, speaking, touching for yourself first.

I want to see, hear, speak, and touch a better Philippines.

Do You?
(Any comments or reactions? please feel free to post one or email me at reylangarcia@yahoo.com or send an SMS to 09186363090)